New York Times BESTSELLERAs Featured on PBSHow to stay healthy and boost immunity with #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Joel Fuhrman's no-nonsense, results-driven nutrition plan.As a family physician for over 30 years and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Fuhrman, M.d. will tell you that doctors and medications cannot grant you excellent health or protection from disease and suffering. The most effective health-care is proper self-care and that starts with changing the way we eat. Eat for Life delivers a science-backed nutrition-based program that prevents and even reverses most medical problems within three to six months. This is a bold claim but the science and the tens of thousands who have tried this approach back it up. The truth is: you simply do not have to be sick. Most Americans are deficient in the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients found in plants (micronutrients), and consume too many fats, proteins, carbohydrates (macronutrients). The results of this standard diet is that we are not only shortening our lives but damaging our energy, vitality, and daily health by eating packaged and processed foods, excessive meat and dairy, and unsustainable amounts of salt and sugar. What we need is to consume foods rich in phytonutrients such as greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, and seeds. These delicious and abundant foods contain the largest.

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