This high-quality Spanish-language book can be enjoyed by fluent Spanish speakers as well as those learning the language, whether at home or in a classroom. En este cuento clasico de la literatura infantil, adorado por generaciones de ninos, la poesia que encierra su texto y la ternura de sus bellas ilustraciones convierten a este en un libro ideal para culminar el dia. En una gran habitacion verde, arropado en su cama, esta un conejito. Buenas noches, habitacion. Buenas noches, Luna, dice el conejito. Y asi sucesivamente, le da las buenas noches a todas las cosas que reconoce en su cuarto- al cuadro de los tres ositos sentaditos en sus sillas, a los relojes y a los calcetines, a los gatitos juguetones y a los lindos mitones. Share this timeless classic with a new generation of readers! In a great green room, tucked away in bed, is a little bunny. "Goodnight room, goodnight moon." And to all the familiar things in the softly lit room - to the picture of the three little bears sitting on chairs, to the clocks and his socks, to the mittens and the kittens, to everything one by one - the little bunny says goodnight. In this classic of children's literature, beloved by generations of readers and listeners, the quiet poetry of the words and the gentle, lulling illustrations combine to make a perfect book for the end of the day.

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Color No Color
Gtin 9780694016518
Item_group_id 14788719
Age_group Kids
Condition NEW
Gender Unisex
Sku 9780694016518USA
Promotion_id 19944601,19944603,19944604
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Sale_price 10.99